Nov 24, 2023

Julia’s ‘From Bloat to Bliss’ Cookbook is here!

First off, I’m SUPER proud of Julia Ericson. She’s spent months putting together an ebook that has literally changed my life (if you saw my weight loss post yesterday) & helped a lot of other people stop feeling bloated & constipated all the time.

This book has:

50 of her unique delicious Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Dessert, recipes for amazing healthy digestion (husband-approved taste & prep time)

How to set up your plate for each meal

How to think about eating

When you should eat

Constipation & Bloat-free shopping strategies

How to order out at restaurants without the guilt

How you can maintain a healthy bloat & constipation-free gut for life

Months & months went into creating the book (not even counting the years of personal training, bikini competition prep, and reversing her own pre-diabetes)

If you EVER feel bloated or unconfident in your food choices… This book is a no-brainer.

Click here to get yourself a copy of the cookbook